The Future of SB190 Remains Unknown



Since the Dobbs decision, we've watched states become more and more definitive regarding their positions as a "Life State" or an "Abortion State." Across the nation, we've seen states enshrine abortion into their state constitutions, with some proudly proclaiming themselves as "sanctuary states for abortion." We know that Colorado is one of those states. We've watched as our beautiful state has introduced bills so radical that even 10 years ago, we would never have seen them coming. It seems that protecting abortion isn't enough; now they want to censure and criminalize pregnancy centers and the physicians who serve alongside them.

We've been asked by many of our supporters over the last few weeks and months about what's next. Well, thankfully, SB190 has been stopped in its tracks, at least for now. Since the bill was signed into law on April 14th, it has been blocked from enforcement by a federal judge and later upheld by Attorney General Phil Weiser in anticipation of the final rulemaking process, which will come from three boards this fall. The Medical Board, Pharmaceutical Board, and Nursing Board are all reviewing thousands of pages of evidence and testimony in anticipation of hearings that are slated to take place in August and September.

SB190, which would punish medical professionals for administering progesterone therapy, is the first of its kind in the country. While other states are moving to require APR education in abortion clinics, Colorado has decided to criminalize the rescue treatment, which provides a second chance for women who panic with regret or are forced into taking chemical abortion pills.

For more information on APR and how it works, please visit While we wait for the body of evidence in support of progesterone therapy to be reviewed by the boards and their decision to be publicized, we ask that our supporters be in prayer. Pray for favor, pray for discernment, and pray that women who need APR are able to find the rescue network so they'll have a chance to save their baby. ACPC will continue to provide information on options and resources for women, regardless of their circumstances.