Every January, we take time to recognize and honor the value of every human life during Sanctity of Human Life Month. This annual observance serves as a powerful reminder that every life is precious. As a pregnancy resource center, we stand committed to protecting and supporting life, offering hope to women, men, and families facing unintended pregnancies.
Read MoreSince the Dobbs decision, we've watched states become more and more definitive regarding their positions as a "Life State" or an "Abortion State." Across the nation, we've seen states enshrine abortion into their state constitutions, with some proudly proclaiming themselves as "sanctuary states for abortion." We know that Colorado is one of those states.
Read MoreThe decision regarding Roe isn’t final. The votes aren’t official, and the draft is still just a draft. It isn’t over yet, and while we wait, ACPC will continue to fight for women. In Colorado, nothing changes. Current law in our state allows abortion for any reason, at any age, up to the moment of birth. RHEA, which was recently passed in Colorado, is the most radical law in the country.
Read MoreOn Monday April 4th, Governor Jared Polis signed into law HB22-1279 otherwise known as RHEA, which codifies abortion up until birth in our state. This bill was rushed through by democrats out of fear in the face of the Supreme Court's forthcoming ruling on the Dobbs case, which could overturn Roe v. Wade.
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