Keeping Your Business Up and Running With a New Baby in Tow

Guest Post by Virginia Cooper of
Neither she nor ACPC received any compensation for this article.

As a business owner, you are accustomed to keeping things moving, even under the most stressful circumstances. But you’re a mom now, too, and that’s one more giant responsibility to manage. Running your business between breastfeeding, naptime, pediatrician appointments, colic, and any of the other 10,000 new things you have to get used to is a challenge. However, it’s one that you can overcome if you prepare yourself for the adventure. Here are a few tips on how to do just that.

Arm Yourself with Information

As a new parent, you will have lots of questions and concerns about your baby. While only time will answer all of these, you can talk to your pediatrician about classes and workshops you might take. Another idea is to connect with more experienced moms so that you have a network to turn to with each new issue that arises. Knowledge here will help you look ahead to future milestones and reduce stress levels since you will know what to expect.

In regard to the business you’re running, be informed about the various business structures that you have to choose from, such as operating as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or an LLC. When it comes time to register a business name, you can choose to run your operation as a DBA (“doing business as”), which can be beneficial as part of your marketing and branding strategy. A DBA name is essentially a pseudonym for your registered, legal business name, and it’s used for a variety of reasons including not using your own surname (if the legal business entity includes your name).

Make Staff Management Easier

Chances are, at least some of your employees work remotely. This can make it more difficult to stay in touch and in tune with the people who keep your business on a forward trajectory. While there are many challenges of managing remote workers, HiveDesk notes that a little bit of effort is all it takes to create a cohesive team. Start by ensuring you have a connection with your staff. Meet them in person (or virtually) regularly and don’t be shy about sending out a monthly company newsletter so that you’re all on the same page. This creates a strong company culture and reduces the possibility of anyone being unclear of your expectations.

Work from Home With Kids

Take Care of Yourself Before You Take Care of Business

While you might think that your priorities are, in this order: baby, business, everything else, then self, you’re wrong. Although you obviously have to meet your baby’s needs, you also have to practice self-care for yourself before you focus your energy on your business. Why? Because when you fuel yourself, you have more energy to get things done. You’ll be more efficient, productive, and focused. Kaiser Permanente shares a few self-care ideas for moms, including taking a walk, reading a book, getting a facial, and socializing. Even adding some indoor plants and photos of nature in your home can give you a beneficial mood boost.

Conquer Logistics Early

As your little one gets older, they will be awake more often, which means your attention will shift more frequently throughout the day. Get ahead of the curve now by creating a baby and kid-friendly office at home. The Baby Boldly blog suggests sitting near a window and offering a miniature version of your own office for your toddler. Most importantly, keep things simple in the office.

You’ll also want to discuss child-rearing responsibilities with your spouse or significant other and have preemptive measures in place on the days when you either have to focus solely on work or exclusively on your child. Designate a staff member to act as manager on your behalf when you’re away and don’t forget to have an army of babysitters ready to go when you need them.

Again, only time will help you master all of the challenges that go with raising a baby and running a business at the same time. But there are still plenty of ways that you can stay one step ahead without sacrificing your enjoyment of either. From keeping your employees informed of daily happenings to having a safe and cozy space where you can work and watch your little one, everything you do to streamline your business and home life will make each process that much easier.