Lee Strobel is a New York Times best-selling author of more than twenty books. Strobel was award-winning legal editor of The Chicago Tribune for 14 years. After investigating the evidence for Jesus, Lee became a Christian in 1981. His spiritual journey was depicted in a major motion picture, The Case for Christ. Lee has won national awards for his books, The Case for Christ, The Case for Faith, The Case for a Creator, and The Case for Grace.
Read MoreLearn about Tamara's volunteer experience and why she chose to work with ACPC and how you can get involved.
Read MoreIt was an incredible turnout at our 2021 Annual Fundraising Banquet. Just over 570 supporters experienced an elegant evening with purpose. The theme this year was “Hidden Treasures” - a sentiment that strives to reveal to every woman, pregnant or otherwise, the valuable treasure that she has hidden within her. Dr. Anthony Levatino and his wife, Cecelia Levatino were our keynote speakers for the evening.
Read MoreSupporters gathered outside the ACPC Women's Clinic on August 19th for a special blessing by Most Reverend Bishop Stephen J. Berg and the Knights of Columbus (KoC). Over 40 ultrasound machines have been donated to pregnancy clinics throughout Colorado and internationally, and we're proud to accept a second donated ultrasound machine.
Read MoreVolunteers are unsung heroes who often work behind-the-scenes, who deserve to be recognized. ACPC is grateful for the numerous volunteers who devote their time, talent, and energy to investing in Pueblo's women and families. Read Caroline’s volunteer story and how you can be involved.
Read MoreAccording to CareNet, a high percentage of women indicated that they have felt unsupported by the church. These numbers may seem discouraging on the surface, but it’s never too late to change the tide in our fight to effectively equip churches in approaching such a sensitive and delicate situation.
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